Key words
- There’s a
time difference between Los Angeles and Shanghai. - We had some problems with the connection in the meeting.
- Sorry, but I’m hearing an echo.
- Could you please mute your mike when you’re not speaking?
- Excuse me, but I can hear someone typing.
- Give me a minute while I adjust my headset.
JAKE: Good morning over there. Who’s on your end ?
TERRY: Terry here, Jake. Good evening to you. Helen’s in the room with me as well.
HELEN: Yeah, good evening.
JAKE: Great. Can you two hear me all right?
HELEN: Yeah, pretty good connection. A little bit of an echo, but not too bad.
JAKE: OK, so let’s get started. We only have two items on the agenda , but I wanted to make sure I spoke to you in person on the second point. And if you could do me a favor, please mute your mike when you’re not speaking. I can hear someone typing.
TERRY: Sorry about that.
JAKE: No problem. My headset is really sensitive. Anyway, the two items I’d like to discuss with you today are the software project and also some news regarding our CFO. Did either of you have anything you’d like to add to the agenda?
HELEN: Not me.
TERRY: Me neither.
other sentences
To recap(In conclusion), we’re looking for a new CFO
Let’s move on to the second point
- 本文作者:Yawei Wang
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