Example 1:
When asked to name famous car companies, a consumer can think of 4-5 companies immediately.
Example 2:
A business traveler collects air miles from Delta Airlines and finds that the company gives her perks such as upgrades due to her status. She actively looks for flights on Delta and rarely flies with a competitor.
Example 5:
A customer has found Apple products to be reliable based on multiple purchases. All these products have lasted an unusually long time despite rough treatment. This customer now won’t buy other brands of electronics.
- 本文作者:Yawei Wang
- 本文链接:https://pfcstyle.github.io/2019/07/30/Brand-loyalty-and-recognition/
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)