Season, Weather, Like, Vacation
美式英语中,vacation 是指离开平日工作或教育学习的时间。英式英语中称为 holiday 。我们说某人 on vacation 或 on holiday 。
美式英语中,holiday 是一个多数人不用上班或上学,而且许多店铺关门的特殊日子。比如,元旦就是一个节日。
Two weeks of rain. 下了两周的雨
You go away for two weeks. You don’t read your eamils. You don’t answer your phone.
There’s a lot of new snow. 刚下了一场大雪 不一定非要使用动词
Hey, Trisha.
We’re on vacation in Canada, but it’s not so great. Our rooms are really nice and there’s a lot of snow, but it’s very foggy . We can’t go skiing. We’re bored.
Hi, Bob.
Too bad about the weather. I’m sorry you’re bored. There’s fog and a lot of snow? What’s the temperature?
You should play video games. And is there a movie theater near you? You like going to the movies. And how about some delicious Chinese food? It’s your favorite.
Have fun!
- 本文作者:Yawei Wang
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