Half-past = thirty. 3:05: Three oh five.
usually, often, always, sometimes
In the morning / evening / afternoon. At night / noon / midnight. On Friday.
On the weekend / On weekends / At the weekend(英式)
What time is it? What’s the time? Do you have the time?
It’s half-past 10. It’s ten thirty.
I get up at 6 o’clock.
Make a phone call. Have a meeting. Talk to colleagues. Give a presentation. Check emails. Take a coffee break(休息一会儿).
Read a report. Write a note.
Can you come to a meeting at 4:15? I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m not free at 4:15. When are you free?
Surfe the internet. Talk on the phone. Sleep.
Ride a bike. Go swimming. Play tennis. Meet friends. Play basketball. Go to the movies. Go to a restaurant.
Negative Question
Are you never late? No. Not 9? Nope, not 9, 9:30.
- 本文作者:Yawei Wang
- 本文链接:https://pfcstyle.github.io/2017/02/20/time/
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)