Talking about person

2017/01/30 English 共 722 字,约 3 分钟

Describe a person


Mouth, Eyes, Hair, Head, Ear, Face, Nose;


Is he tall or short?

What does he look like?

Is her hair long or short?

What color are his eyes?

Work person

Sales assistant; Doctor; Engineer;

Architect: A person whose job is designing buildings;

Teacher; FireFighter; Manager;

Secretary: A person who works in an office, working for another person, dealing with letters and telephone calls, typing, keeping records, arranging meetings with people, etc.

Artist: A person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings

Followship activity(联谊活动)


What do you do? What company do you work for? Do you like your job?


I live with my wife in New York. What does your wife do?



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